The early African tribesmen and women forced to migrate to the Middle East countries of Saudi Arabia, Yamen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and to South-Asian countries of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and India, were taken mostly from the North-eastern region and the East African countries bordering the “Red Sea”, “Gulf of Aden”, and the “Indian Ocean”.

These countries include but not limited to Sudan (now North and South Sudan), Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Malawi, and the Island of Madagascar. 

Others were taken from the West African countries of Nigeria, Benin Republic, Togo, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Cote D’Ivoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia, and Senegal. Also taken were the peoples of Angola, the Equatorial Guinea, and Cameroon all in the “Gulf of Guinea” in the Mid-west Africa, to the European countries, the United States, the Caribbean Islands, and South America.

Those black ancestral tribesmen and women obviously talked, and predominantly spoke the African tribal languages of the regions they were taken from between the 7th century through the 20th century.

The Black Ancestral Tribes, Languages, and Cultures

Akan Language 10% (spoken by the Ashanti tribe, native to Ghana in West Africa).

IGBO Language 29% (Spoken by the Igbo tribe native to the “Bight of Africa”, South-east and South-south of Nigeria, and in the South-west of Cameroon, all in West Africa).

SWAHILI Language 20% (native to Kenya, Comoros, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Malawi, Congo DRC and Madagascar all in the African Great Lakes region, East-central Africa)

YORUBA Language 18% (spoken by the Yoruba tribe native to the South-west Nigeria and in the South-east of Republic of Benin, all in West Africa).

AMHARIC language 9% (spoken by the Amhara tribe, native to Ethiopia, North-east Africa).

KIMBUNDU language 7% (spoken by the Ambundu tribesmen in the North-West, Angola, and North of the River Kwanza in Southern Africa region).

These six languages and tribes are 93% of the entire early black forced migrants from Africa during the Arab and South-East-Asia East-Africa Slave Trade, the Portuguese Angola-Brazil Slave Trade, and the Trans-Atlantic Triangular Slave Trade. [Note: The above percentiles are in approximation.

As much is known about the black descents in the United States and the Caribbean Islands, write and share your insight to the lives, successes and struggles of the black descents in the Middle East, South-west Asia and South America.


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